APPROVED 12/06/2011

Greenwich Village Historic District
Intersection of Seventh Avenue South, Greenwich Avenue and West 12th Street


A brick building built in the mid – 1980’s and designed by Ferrenz and Taylor. Application is to demolish the building and construct a park.


A PDF of the approved application may be found HERE.


Status as of December 6th, 2011
At the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s public hearing on Tuesday, December 6th, the Commission voted to approve the application.

Status as of November 18th, 2011:
A public hearing on this application will take place at the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday, December 6th, 2011, at which the Commission will officially vote to either approve the application, deny the application, or ask the applicant to return at a later date with revisions. Public attendance and testimony are welcome. For more information, please visit the Commission’s agenda (note that the Commission updates its agendas on the Friday afternoon prior to each hearing; be sure to check back then to find out the approximate time at which this application will be heard).