APPROVED with modifications 12/10/2019

CB2 hearing: 06/17/2019 – laid over
CB2 hearing: 07/11/2019
LPC hearing: 08/06/2019
LPC meeting: 10/08/2019
LPC meeting: 12/10/2019

Greenwich Village Historic District
Between Greenwich Street and Washington Street


1) From the CB2 agenda: Application is to modify the front facade and front areaway, reconstruct the rear facade and rear addition, construct a rooftop addition, and perform excavation.

2) View the application: 12/10/2019 Available in PDF; 10/08/2019 Available in PDF; 08/06/2019 Available in PDF.

3) View CB2 Resolution: Available in PDF

4) View the video: A curated list of LPC videos of these presentations from March 2014 onward can be found on our YouTube page. To view the video from 12/10/2019, click HERE. To view the video from 10/08/2019, click HERE and to view the video from 08/06/2019, click HERE. Please note that the LPC posts these videos about a week after the presentation. Videos include the applicant’s presentation, public testimony (for hearings only), and deliberation by the LPC commissioners.

5) View LPC Permit: Available in PDF.

6) LPC designation report: Read this property’s architectural/historical description.

7) Receive updates by email: Please click here if you would like Village Preservation to email you when there are updates to the status of this application.


This section provides updates if there are changes to the hearing dates listed above, which includes instances when an application has been laid over (aka postponed). If applicable, LPC public meeting dates for this application will also be tracked here. Please note that public testimony is taken at public hearings, but not at public meetings.

Please note: All LPC public hearings and public meetings are held at the Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, 9th floor north, public hearing room (unless otherwise noted).

STAY UPDATED! Click here for our e-alerts to be updated on this application as soon as we find out more.

12/10/2019: At today’s public meeting, the Commission approved the revised application with the modification that the applicant use a more historic door at the front entry.

10/08/2019: At today’s public meeting, the Commission took no action on the revised application. The applicant was instructed to make changes and re-present at a future public meeting. The Commission felt that the rooftop addition was still too visible and modern and they felt that the applicant needs to create the suggestion of an entry at No. 319.

08/06/2019: At today’s public hearing, no action was taken on this application. The applicant was asked to make revisions to the application in accordance with the commissioners’ comments and present the revised application at a future public meeting. The commissioners’ comments were as follows:

Removal of entrance at No. 319: Commissioners Chapin, Holford-Smith, and Gustafsson disapproved of the removal of the entrance at No. 319. Commissioner Shamir-Baron did not take issue with this change, citing that combining multiple row houses into a single house is now a common trend in the Village.

Removal of tile cornice at No. 319: Commissioner Holford-Smith and Commissioner Chapin found the removal of the tile cornice at No. 319 inappropriate.

Windows at the rear of No. 319: Commissioners Gustafsson, Holford-Smith, and Shamir-Baron stated that the rear windows of No. 319 should retain their flat lintels. Commissioner Chapin did not take as much issue with their alteration.

Rooftop addition: Commissioners Holford-Smith, Shamir-Baron, and Gustaffson felt that the visibility of the rooftop addition was inappropriate. Commissioner Chapin agreed, and added that the removal of the extra height at No. 319 made the addition even more visible. Chair Carroll stated that if the rooftop addition could not be made less visible or invisible, it would be a highly problematic part of the proposal.

Chair Carroll also stated that the applicant should look more deeply at the relationship between the rear addition and the rear facade.